Dental Practice Growth Strategies

Headshot of Dr. Scott F. Peterson, DDS

Hi, I’m Dr. Scott Peterson, D.D.S. and my focus for this website is to help other dentist’s grow their practice using online digital marketing and retain their patients for as long as possible.

I will do this by providing free articles, interviews, guest posts, reports and recommended solutions. The information provided will vary from establishing a growth strategy, knowing your audience, online and offline marketing, to training your staff on productivity, and much more.

Regardless of where your practice is currently, you’ll find something here to help you attain your goals.

Wishing you success in growing your dental practice!

Get your FREE Report "Leadership in the Dental Office"

If people in your dental practice are to develop and make a difference – to not only excel but become outstanding (which I‟ve found most people desire), you, as their leader must escape the “boss” mentality and develop a culture where management and people work together to achieve phenomenal and outstanding results.

Dental Office Management

Your Dental Practices Online Presence

Feedback from Dentist's We've Helped

Dr. Ryan Crain
Dr. Ryan Crain
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I’m thinking you were a godsend…I appreciate you and what you’re helping me to accomplish. You’ve got me thinking big again.
Dr. Kubo
Dr. Kubo
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We’ve had 35 new patients in 5 months directly from our internet presence. Treatment outlined $151,346 and added $56,431 in production.